Industry news

  • 17 Feb 2023 10:07 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    Supply chain mapping is the process of recording, storing and using information gathered from suppliers who are involved in a company’s supply chain. Building on our existing supply chain guidance, we’re pleased to announce new guidance that focusses explicitly on this process, aimed at at procurement specialists, risk managers and cyber security professionals.

    Supply chain mapping follows the principles of all good risk management; organisations need to understand the risks inherent in their supply chain, and then introduce security measures that are in proportion to the likelihood (and impact) of those risks materialising. The goal is to have an up-to-date understanding of your network of suppliers, so that cyber risks can be managed more effectively, and due diligence carried out.

    Read more on National Cyber Security Centre here.

  • 17 Feb 2023 9:52 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

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    KPMG was the first US Big Four firm to cut jobs amid a weaker economy and reduced demand for consulting services – laying off 700 people in its advisory wing.

    The cuts, which were announced Wednesday in an internal memo, affect nearly 2% of KPMG US workforce. None of the layoffs were partners.

    Carl Carande, vice-chair of the US advisory business, said in the memo the staff reductions were required to “better align our workforce with current and anticipated demand in the market.”

    Read more on here.

  • 16 Feb 2023 10:20 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    This briefing looks at the legal and practical issues arising in connection with women in the workplace going through the menopause. Although there has been an increase in discussions about the menopause in the media, there is still a stigma attached to it. We look at what employers should be considering in terms providing support, such as training managers and implementing a specific menopause policy as well as the potential legal risks if issues are ignored or badly handled.

    Menopause in the workplace statistics

    Women over the age of 50 have been the fastest growing group in the workforce for a number of years, meaning that more are working through the menopause (and perimenopause), which, for many, will bring challenges. Symptoms will vary and can be both physical and psychological, ranging from hot flushes and headaches to increased anxiety and depression. Employers should be aware that the average age for a woman to go through the menopause is 51 and most experience symptoms between the ages of 45 and 55. However, the menopause may also start earlier due to surgery, illness or naturally. In addition, symptoms may start years before the menopause, during the perimenopausal phase. According to the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, nearly 8 out of 10 menopausal women are in work, 3 out of 4 women experience serious symptoms and one in three of the workforce will soon be over 50.

    Read more on Lexology here.

  • 16 Feb 2023 10:18 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    Remember when we were all going to ditch our humdrum lives, tedious physical needs and uninspiring friends and family, so that we could live a life of virtual bliss in the metaverse? When we could give up the endless pursuit of self-improvement and just exist as perfect avatars instead? When Facebook rebranded to Meta because, from now on, the company was going to be “metaverse-first, not Facebook-first”? It has been just one year since Meta’s fabulously dystopian Super Bowl advert for its VR headsets, in which a group of friends who have lost touch get back together in the virtual world (in the real one they were all alone, with no buddies — or lower halves).

    Read more on Financial Times here.

  • 14 Feb 2023 11:25 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    CGI has announced plans to expand its UK footprint into Northern Ireland with the opening of a new Belfast-based Centre of Excellence. CGI will extend its delivery centre capability into the region that will add to its existing workforce of almost 6,000 people throughout the UK.

    CGI has for several years taken a ‘place-based’ approach to developing its presence in the UK, illustrated in how it has grown scale and capability in Scotland. CGI will recruit c.50 new consultants and IT professionals in Northern Ireland (of which 16 roles have already been filled) to work alongside the company’s existing Digital Services Delivery Centre in Scotland.

    Read more on TechMarketView here.

  • 13 Feb 2023 10:09 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    Staying ahead of supply chain disruptions in 2023 requires a clear picture of all risks and the ability to act swiftly. While the year promises to bring many unknowns, here are 3 big developments to keep your eye on.

    Supply chain disruption is now the market standard, not the exception. As we head into another uncertain year, failing to see disruptions coming is no longer an excuse. The only thing that is truly predictable about this year is that it will be unpredictable.

    Staying ahead of supply chain disruptions in 2023 requires a clear picture of all risks and the ability to act swiftly.

    Read more on Supply and Demand Chain Executive here.

  • 13 Feb 2023 10:08 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    As the way the world works continues to change, improving human capital to keep employees happy and engaged has never been so important

    An organisation is only as good as its employees. And as technology continues to change the way the world works, improving human capital has never been as important.

    A term made popular in the 1960s by American economists Gary Becker and Jacob Mincer, ‘human capital’ refers to the economic value of a worker's experience and skills, including assets like education, training, intelligence and skills.

    Read more on Technology Magazine here.

  • 13 Feb 2023 10:03 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    KPMG is set to establish its Centre of Excellence (CoE) for metaverse and digital twins. KPMG announced this decision along the sidelines of the LEAP tech conference 2023. For this, KPMG will bring together a 'broad collective', with Microsoft bringing its infrastructure and gaming platform and Ericsson utilising its 5G tech and network, as well as Metakey as the technical partner to create three-dimensional objects, a press release shared by Zawya read.

    Read more at:

  • 13 Feb 2023 10:01 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    Gartner survey shows 'customer enablement' is most powerful value chain service but that under a quarter of supply chain organisations are offering this

    Supply chain organisations that help customers meet their business goals are twice as likely to attract repeat business compared to those that focus only on customer satisfaction or ease of use, according to a survey by Gartner.

    The survey also found that customer enablement is only being emphasised by 23% of supply chain organisations today, but the strategy will become the norm within five years.

    Read more on Supply Chain Digital here.

  • 13 Feb 2023 10:00 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

    Financial firms in Britain and the European Union remained under significant pressure to comply with diverging environmental, social and governance (ESG) rules over the past six months, KPMG's Regulatory Barometer showed on Monday.

    The barometer, aimed at helping firms with compliance planning, also tracks the scale of the divergence between UK and EU regulations, with KPMG saying the biggest differences are in areas like customer protection and access to markets.

    Read more on Reuters here.

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