Industry news

  • 11 May 2020 12:25 PM | Anonymous

    We expect to see a boom in Technology spend by organisations during the economic recovery following Covid-19.


    Investment in Technology during a recession, has been shown to help organisations thrive afterwards. In a 2017 paper, Brad Hershbein (of the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research) and Lisa B. Kahn (of the University of Rochester) compared more than 100 million online job listings posted from 2007 to 2015 with economic data to see how the recession affected the types of skills employers were looking for. They found that the cities hardest hit by the recession saw a greater demand for technology related skills. 

    Organisations became more digital with the hardest hit areas of the United States, increasing their investment in information technology, driving a surge in IT skill requirements.

    So why did these companies invest in technology during a recession when money is tight? 

    • Technology enables organisations to be more transparent, flexible and efficient. Enabling leaders to better understand the business, how the recession is affecting it, and where there’s potential for operational improvements.
    • Technology can help cut costs – Focus on “self-funding” transformation projects that pay off quickly, such as automation of manual tasks and outsourcing non-core business activities.
    • IT investments make companies more agile. Improving the ability to manage uncertain and rapid change that comes with a recession.

    In manufacturing, after the last recession there was an uptake in the adoption of digital and advanced analytics. Previously manufacturers could be the cheapest in the market or could stay nimble—but not both. Flexibility came with serious costs. However, digital technologies have created much more flexibility around product changes, volume changes and the ability to optimise the supply chain around the world.

    Organisations that make investments in digital technology, analytics, and agile business practices will be better able to understand the threat they face and respond more quickly. Recessions can create wide and long-standing performance gaps between companies, with research suggesting that digital technology can do the same. Companies that neglect digital transformation may find that they do not survive the recession.

    For organisations with a high level of debt, it is important to deleverage and ensure cash flow remains positive. It is important to look at cost savings opportunities before reducing headcount.

    The organisations that emerged from the last recession in the strongest shape relied less on redundancy to cut costs and leaned more on operational improvements. 

    The reasoning behind this is that redundancies are not just harmful to workers; they’re costly for organisations and can demoralise the remaining team, dampening productivity at the very time it needs to be maximised. Hiring and training is an expensive and long process, so many organisations prefer not to have to rehire when the economy picks back up, particularly if they think the downturn will be brief. 

    So what can organisations do to reduce outgoings, maintain cash reserves and improve capability from a technology perspective:

    • Focus on projects that pay for themselves, with a clear benefits realisation plan.
    • Critically review all expenditure, do you really need all that expensive proprietary software – Can you exploit Open Source solutions or adopt As a Service offerings.
    • Outsource non-core functions, utilising global experts and capacity to flex your service as demand ebbs and flows during the recession.
    • Re-train your people to support core business tasks, to enhance revenues and increase morale. A happy workforce is a successful one.

    CIO-OFFICE are professional IT Commercial and Project Delivery specialists. Please contact info@cio-office to find out how our proven team of subject matter experts can support you.

    Full article can be seen here:

  • 17 Apr 2020 9:50 AM | Anonymous

    Aviva has pledged £5 million to NHS Charities Together and £10 million to British Red Cross as part of a package of measures aimed at supporting customers and their communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Aviva’s donation to NHS Charities Together will fund support for the NHS in three key areas: welfare and wellbeing for NHS employees, volunteers and patients; assistance for patients leaving hospital; and long-term mental health support for NHS workers.

    In addition, Aviva has also given £10 million to long-standing charity partner British Red Cross, to help it support those coming out of hospital and ensuring those made most vulnerable by the outbreak can get the support they need.

    Aviva is also offering:

    • Free breakdown cover, enhanced home insurance for personal belongings and free courtesy cars for Aviva customers working in the NHS. It will also prioritise repairs for NHS workers who are Aviva motor insurance customers
    • Full pay for Aviva employees who volunteer full time for the NHS and British Red Cross
    • Support for Aviva direct, Quotemehappy or General Accident home, motor and personal van customers who may be experiencing severe financial difficulties as a result of Covid-19, by deferring their monthly payment and spreading payments over the remaining term of their policies.
    • Donations from surplus stock of hand sanitisers, rubber gloves, antiseptic wipe pod refills and face masks to key worker organisations and charities

    Colm Holmes, Global CEO, General Insurance at Aviva plc said:

    “We are seeing extraordinary efforts, particularly from NHS workers who are on the frontline helping to keep us safe in the global fight against Covid-19.  But we all have a part to play in defeating the virus. The funding for NHS Charities Together will help provide vital support to NHS workers, patients and communities and ensure that support reaches more people, quickly.”

    Ellie Orton, CEO of NHS Charities Together, said:

    “We have pledged to raise £100 million to help support NHS workers throughout the Coronavirus crisis. Aviva’s donation will make a real difference to the amazing NHS staff, volunteers and patients who are on the front line. It’s important that these individuals know just how much the nation appreciates their efforts, and actions such as this show how much people care.”

  • 17 Apr 2020 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    “If you know what women want, you can rule!” – This quote from the hilarious, if somewhat politically incorrect (against men!) film “What Women Want” could so easily apply to the supplier – customer relationship.

    Whilst there is a plethora of sound advice available regarding good financial management practices in these difficult times (such as from the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply: help and support for suppliers and service providers looking to maintain their customer base and secure their sales pipeline is much thinner on the ground.

    Now, more than ever, suppliers and service providers need to be finely attuned to the needs of their customers and develop the agility to change rapidly to address disruption in the marketplace whilst grappling with the profound issues in their own organisations wrought by the current circumstances.

    Some of the questions that suppliers need to ask include:

    ·      How do I ensure that my strategy and the strategies of our customers are not heading in opposite directions?

    ·      Service excellence and delivering the services customers want, when they want them, is more important than ever…how do I ensure I'm doing things right and doing the right things?

    ·      A modest increase in my bid/win ratio could have a significant upside on my revenue. How can I secure my pipeline in these uncertain times?

    ·      If we are too risk averse in times of disruption, we may end up exposed to more risk not less - how do we ensure we are risk aware not risk averse?

    ·      Strong stakeholder management and communications and the right organisational design have never been more important - how do I know the right governance is in place to assure this?

    and fundamentally:

    ·      In these challenging times I need to retain the customers I already have and secure my pipeline of new business. How do I ensure that I truly understand what customers want and align my services to their needs?

    Do we at Peru Consulting have all the answers – no, and it’s probably best to treat anyone who claims to have all the answers in these unprecedented times with a large dose of scepticism. What we do have however is many decades of combined experience working with some of the largest, most well-known organisations in the UK, Ireland and Europe.

    What this experience gives us is a unique insight into what really matters to customers…and what doesn’t. We’ve advised blue chip clients through many major procurement exercises, helped customers to mend broken supplier relationships and identified improved ways of working that have helped customers optimise cash outflow, maximise operational efficiency and innovate to drive top-line revenue growth.

    Our Peruvians, prior to joining us, have also worked in some of the largest supplier and service provider organisations in the world - for example helping suppliers to identify and root out inadvertent errors in their bid financial modelling which were making their proposals commercially unattractive to customers. Many Peruvians also have a client-side focus and can appreciate the pressures clients are facing in these times and how to relate to their priorities, goals and strategies.

    At the end of the day we believe supporting suppliers and service providers to better align their services to meet customers’ needs is a virtuous circle – both suppliers and customers win. Let’s be honest, we are a supplier too and as such need to heed our own advice. Helping organisations thrive is what we do, its hard-wired into our culture…its common sense, business sense and no nonsense.

    To find out more about our range of services tailored specifically for suppliers and service providers please visit:

    To find out more about our overall sourcing and commercial services, capabilities and experience please visit:

    Steve Watson is a Principal Consultant at Peru Consulting and specialises in IT Transformation and Commercial Strategy.  He has worked with organisations including British Airways, BT, Walgreens Boots Alliance and Travis Perkins.

  • 17 Apr 2020 9:37 AM | Anonymous

    I think we all feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Like our hands are tied and we’re watching this huge disaster play out, unable to do anything about it. But, at times like this we’re judged by our actions, not our words.

    That’s why I’m so proud to be part of a UK-wide team that have donated all our surplus masks and hand sanitisers to those on the frontline, from the emergency services to care homes.

    In a matter of days, we’ve donated thousands of facemasks and hundreds of hand sanitiser units, to help people stay safe.

    How did it happen?

    In late 2019, when we first heard reports of Covid-19, we bought masks and extra hand sanitiser to protect people working in our offices. As Covid-19 worsened we started sending masks to Aviva’s most affected offices – like Italy and Singapore.

    I’m Italian and worked at our Milan office in 2019 as part of an Aviva Pride initiative. My friends there said they were relieved and grateful. They said they felt part of a close-knit Aviva family. I felt so proud of our Italian colleagues.

    Fast track to March 2020

    The pandemic has affected us all and almost all of our UK workforce is working from home. As our buildings emptied, the need for the stocks of masks and sanitisers diminished.

    The idea to donate all our surplus stock came from someone in one of our Risk teams. We soon got the go ahead. I was asked to work with my colleagues across the UK to identify stock we could donate and where they were needed.

    By the end of the day...

    We’d found 12 recipients from Bishopbriggs in Glasgow to Southampton who would receive much-needed face masks and sanitizing products. At the same time, we have made sure we have enough of these essential items at all our UK sites where Aviva’s own key workers are continuing to work and that all our buildings have enough stock for when they re-open.

    On day one, we delivered 800 face masks to the Metropolitan Police in London’s Upton Park. I was particularly moved by a call I made to a PC there at the station, he was so thankful for the donations.

    We’ve had lots of amazing feedback since our first delivery.

    I am humbled, proud and happy at the same time to see how this has benefitted so many essential, wonderful key workers. It’s been a real team effort from teams across the UK, our legendary security colleagues, and our leadership teams who provided unwavering support to make this happen.

    “Adversity introduces a man to himself,” Albert Einstein

    We’re all just trying to get through and it’s the times we’re helping each other that really stand out. I hope when this is over and we look back, the moments of kindness stay with us and the fear and worry fade. That we emerge aware of just what we can achieve when we’re up against it. 

  • 17 Apr 2020 9:36 AM | Anonymous

    The package of measures further aims to support customers who are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • 31 Mar 2020 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    Even in these challenging times, we @ the GSA are creating opportunities for the growth of business value through profitable and mutually beneficial business partnerships

    qFor all types of firms (buy and sell side) :

    üLeverage all government support packages for businesses and employers – GSA can advise on eligibility and long term impact.

    üDon’t loose sight of staff wellbeing and morale during these times.

    üWorking @ remotely – this will become a must-have as it becomes BAU, not a COVID BCP response. GSA can provide guidance impacts of policies, well-being, security, DP, talent sourcing

    üContingent labour and IR35 – what should I do now that HMRC has deferred this?

    üLegal guidance on services fulfilment and contracts – force majeure, frustration, deferring services.

    üWhere to refocus digital transformation àsuccessfully shift from growth focus to P&L optimisation.

    qBuy side :

    üImpact on spend priorities in 2020-21, getting more value from suppliers, managing contract risk.

    üSupply chain risk management and sourcing contingency planning.

    üImpact on outsourced services and delivery of those by outsourcers (especially BPO).

    qSell side:

    üRetaining clients and continuing to deliver services – adapting delivery models.

    üNew business opportunities and delivery models – nearshoring, automation, reduction in offshoring.

  • 21 Mar 2019 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    TTEC Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC), a leading global customer experience technology and services company focused on the design, implementation and delivery of transformative solutions for many of the world’s most iconic and disruptive brands, today reports that the company will be participating in the upcoming Call and Contact Centre Expo. TTEC’s team in EMEA will be demonstrating many of its customer experience solutions during the event, held March 27th-28th in London.

    The company recently reported fourth quarter and full year 2018 results, with revenues of $1.509 billion and organic growth estimated at between 7.5% and 8.6% in 2019. The growth has come from growing demand for digitising and automating the customer experience from the company’s embedded base and new clients, especially those in the disruptive, hypergrowth business market. The company also reported seeing an increase in the average contract size and the development of several mega deals in 2018.

    Iain Banks, Regional VP International Markets, comments; “2018 was a record revenue year for TTEC and we are seeing rapid customer growth as clients look for digital solutions that transform their customer engagement strategies. In particular, we are seeing a significant demand for our enterprise-scale, SaaS-based, omnichannel cloud solutions, with increases to the number of subscription-based cloud contact centre licenses supporting many of our relationships with today’s leading brands."

    This being no more apparent than through the company recently establishing customer experience operations in Athens, Greece, creating 250 new positions and extending its dialect capability with English, German, Italian and Spanish speakers for client programmes originating in Europe and around the world.

    Banks continues; “Our digital-rich offerings are resonating with not only existing and new clients, many of which include disruptive and hypergrowth brands, but also with our partners - Upstream Works and TTEC have recently expanded our partnership across Europe.”

    Wayne Kay, VP Digital, EMEA, at TTEC commented; “We’re delighted to have Upstream Works as a partner, working together to enhance our customer care and omnichannel solutions and deliver on business leaders’ customer experience goals across the region.”

    TTEC will partner with Upstream Works, a leading mobile commerce platform provider, at the forthcoming Call and Contact Centre Expo to showcase the latest and most effective technologies and provide live demonstrations of their “Humanify® Enterprise” solution that can transform CX. TTEC can be found at stand 960 and will also be speaking at Seminar Hall 19.

    About TTEC:

    TTEC Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC) is a leading global customer experience services company focused on the design, implementation and delivery of tech-enabled transformative solutions for many of Europe’s most iconic and disruptive brands. The Company delivers outcome-based contact centre outsourcing solutions through TTEC Engage which operates and manages frontline and back-office business processes that support customer acquisition, care, growth and fraud prevention and detection and content moderation services - available onshore, nearshore and offshore. Additionally, TTEC Digital, the company’s digital consultancy, designs and builds human centric, tech-enabled, insight-driven customer experience solutions for clients. Founded in 1982, the Company's 52,400 employees operate on six continents across the globe and live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TTEC is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit

  • 5 Feb 2019 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    TTEC Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC), a leading global customer experience technology and services company focused on the design, implementation and delivery of transformative solutions for many of the world’s most iconic and disruptive brands, today announce that it has established operations in Athens, Greece, as part of the company’s growth activities in the European region. The company will hire up to 250 customer experience associates in Athens over the coming months.

    The company views the Athens market as a prime option for providing customer experience services including customer care and support. The local market provides a rich candidate pool, with a highly-educated and multi-lingual workforce, and provides commercially attractive location availability. With excellent English, German, Italian and Spanish speakers who bring European dialect capability, these individuals will provide personalised and connected customer experiences for the company’s client programmes originating in Europe and around the world.

    “Athens provides an excellent market opportunity for TTEC operations,” said Marty DeGhetto, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President - TTEC Engage, TTEC. “With readily available and talent-rich personnel resources, we’re excited to create a local management team and begin hiring our newest brand ambassadors to deliver customer experience excellence.”

    TTEC anticipates creating up to 250 jobs in Athens with the potential for further expansion in the market. The company is actively hiring customer experience associates to support an existing client programme, along with other key support positions. Employees will benefit from the opportunity to support a global company, potential career advancement, competitive pay, exciting employee rewards and bonuses and an interactive work environment.

    The company appreciates the support in services offered by OTE Group - Cosmote e-Value and Invest Greece in establishing TTEC’s operations in Athens and looks forward to celebrating with a community grand opening this spring.

    TTEC operates across Europe including locations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium and Bulgaria. In 2018, the company’s European team received a wealth of industry awards and accolades from organisations including the Global Sourcing Association (GSA), UK Contact Centre Forum (CCF), and Customer Contact Management Association (CCMA), recognising TTEC’s commitment to growth in the region.

    For more information about TTEC, please visit

    To apply for available opportunities within TTEC, please visit

    About TTEC:
TTEC Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC) is a leading global customer experience services company focused on the design, implementation and delivery of tech-enabled transformative solutions for many of Europe’s most iconic and disruptive brands. The Company delivers outcome-based contact centre outsourcing solutions through TTEC Engage which operates and manages frontline and back-office business processes that support customer acquisition, care, growth and trust and safety - available onshore, nearshore and offshore. Additionally, TTEC Digital, the company’s digital consultancy, designs and builds human centric, tech-enabled, insight-driven customer experience solutions for clients. Founded in 1982, the Company's 49,700 employees operate on six continents across the globe and live by a set of customer-focused values that guide relationships with clients, their customers, and each other. To learn more about how TTEC is bringing humanity to the customer experience, visit

  • 17 Dec 2018 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Contracting for RPA – The opportunities and pitfalls

    Robotic process automation (RPA) is at a pivotal moment, firmly hitting the mainstream when it comes to digital transformation and more traditional BPO procurements.

    Organisations have, of course, been dabbling with RPA for a number of years. However, a combination of maturing technologies from specialist providers, a concerted focus on RPA by more traditional players and changing workforces, have pushed RPA to the fore.

    There are many real world benefits to RPA deployment. RPA can offer accuracy, scalability, inherent monitoring and data management capabilities amongst other benefits.

    RPA deployments forming part of wider outsourcing arrangements, can present increased risk to the customer organisation, intensifying traditional hazards that should be considered in any contract for RPA. Below we focus on three key areas; implementation, maintenance and change control, and vendor lock-in.

    Implementation risk

    RPA deployments are often highly bespoke and the approach to design and implementation is often specific to individual business lines and processes. This presents unique challenges for deployment at scale:

    • Project scope and phasing: Is the customer locked-in to a wider roll-out from the outset? Many projects will include an initial pilot or proof of concept phase. However, successful roll out to one set of processes or a particular business line does not guarantee success in other areas. It is important to document the circumstances under which a customer can walk away or source the RPA elements from an alternative vendor, not just following an initial pilot phase, but as the wider roll-out progresses.

    • Acceptance testing: The contract should include robust acceptance testing procedures, both vendor testing and end user testing, to ensure the deployed robots function as expected. Acceptance criteria are often left to be determined post-contract or documented in vague terms that lead to disputes as implementation progresses. It is important for the procurement and business functions to work together to document what ‘success’ looks like in an objective, quantifiable manner.

    • Price impacts: The contract should also address price impacts of failed or delayed roll-outs, particularly where the provider has baked-in assumptions based on RPA deployments. Which party takes the financial risk of failed deployment will depend on a number of factors, but should not be left as an ‘agreement to agree’. Common issues include the reason for failure (something that can be surprisingly difficult to determine and is often the result of a complex web of circumstance), whether the RPA solution was sourced direct by the customer or the vendor, whether the customer ‘imposed’ its preferred solution on the vendor and the degree to which the vendor has been granted ‘free reign’ to deploy RPA.

    Maintenance and change control

    Responsibility for ongoing maintenance of RPA tools is an issue that sets RPA apart from other types of system deployment. RPA tools are often highly sensitive to underlying system and software changes. The issue to

    • Ongoing maintenance: Which party will be responsible for ongoing maintenance? Will the vendor be providing an ongoing, managed service, or will a third party vendor or the customer itself be responsible? In a multi-sourced environment, who has overall responsibility for planning and coordination? If a third party vendor is to establish a ‘centre of excellence’ or equivalent team, will that team be employed by the vendor or the customer?

    • Change control: Which party will be responsible for the provision and cost of change and maintenance resulting from changes to the customer’s wider IT environment? This might include changes to hardware, software (including version upgrades), changes to data feeds and structures, all of which can have significant impacts on the functioning of the RPA solution. Again, this should not be left to be dealt with through the contract’s change control procedure as these are key operational issues that will arise on a regular basis.

    Avoiding vendor ‘lock-in’

    Vendor and technology lock-ins are a key risk in any RPA deployment. A key consideration for any customer will be whether to source their chosen RPA technology direct or through their outsourced service provider. In either case, the contract should address whether the customer will be permitted to use the solution on exit and migration to an alternative solution.

    • IP ownership: Who will own bespoke developments and scripts relating to the RPA deployment?

    • Exit: If the RPA solution is being provided through an outsourced provider, will the customer have a right to purchase its own licence on exit?

    RPA deployment as part of digital transformation and outsourcing projects must be given special consideration in the vendor contract to the possibility of undoing the real world benefits that RPA deployment can deliver to the customer organisation.

    By partners Mike Pierides and Simon Lightman at global law firm, Morgan Lewis

    Mike advises on matters relating to new technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence following major outsourcings, strategic restructurings, and technology-specific transactions such as licensing and “as a service” arrangements. Email:, Phone: +44.20.3201.5686

    Simon advises on a broad range of commercial, technology, and data transactions, particularly in the context of robotic process automation. He advises on complex outsourcings and procurements, software licensing, and cloud and other “as a service” arrangements. Email:, Phone: +44.20.3201.5625

  • 3 Dec 2018 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    GSA Announces UK Award Winners for 2018

    The Global Sourcing Association (GSA) formally announced the winners of the GSA UK Awards on Thursday 22nd November at the Marriot London Grosvenor Square.

    The GSA UK Awards now in its fifteenth year recognises and celebrates the efforts of companies who have demonstrated best-practice in sourcing. The Awards took place after the GSA’s UK Symposium, which was centred on Reshaping Sourcing.

    Kerry Hallard, CEO of the Global Sourcing Association UK said “The breadth of submissions to these Awards continues to increase, as we see ever more dynamic and innovative collaborative programmes presented to us. Again, a very impressive shortlist and all those on the shortlist should be commended.

    The live judging process adds an extra dimension to the awards and really helps differentiate the winners through a live interview process. Congratulations goes to all the winners”.

    The full list of winners are:

    Utilities Project of the Year

    Scottish Water, Vision Consulting, Burnt Oak Partners and DLA Piper

    Telecommunications Project of the Year

    Webhelp (Sky Mobile Sales)

    Financial Services Project of the Year

    Prudential PLC, Deloitte and Ashurst LLP

    Public Sector Project of the Year

    Thoughtonomy and NHS

    Delivery Destination of the Year

    Northern Ireland

    International Project of the Year

    Coeus Consulting

    Best Contribution to the Reputation of Strategic Sourcing


    Business Services Project of the Year


    Technology Enabled Project of the Year

    Three UK & Tech Mahindra Business Services Ltd.

    Innovation Project of the Year

    Scottish Water, Vision Consulting, Burnt Oak Partners and DLA Piper

    Transformation Project of the Year


    Automation Project of the Year

    Lloyds Banking Group with Symphony

    Transition Project of the Year

    CDS and Metropolitan Police Service

    Excellence in Partnership

    EE & Infosys BPM

    Excellence in Collaboration

    Scottish Water, Vision Consulting, Burnt Oak Partners and DLA Piper

    Law Firm of the Year

    Slaughter and May

    Customer Experience Provider of the Year


    Service Provider of the Year

    TCS & Diligenta

    UK Employer of the Year


    Sourcing Works – Award for Value Creation

    TCS & Npower

    About the GSA

    The Global Sourcing Association (GSA) is the industry association and professional body for the global sourcing industry. We are the home of the Global Sourcing Standard, a world first for the provision of a portfolio of best practice methodologies and accreditation programmes supported by both buyers and suppliers of sourcing.

    The GSA is a not-for-profit membership association which serves to share best practice, trends and connections across the globe bringing the global community together in a wholly interactive manner for the first time. Its overriding objective is the ongoing development and dissemination of the Standard and supporting portfolio of qualifications in order to improve the benefits and positive reputation, and therefore size, of the global sourcing industry.

    For further information, please contact the GSA team at or call +44(0)207 292 8680.

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