Industry news

  • 21 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    The City UK, an influential trade body for the financial industry in the UK has warned about the unpredictability of Brexit and is hoping for a transition period with the European Union. Gerard Lyons, an economist and former Brexit campaigner is also arguing for a transition period. The City UK has highlighted the danger of Brexit on the financial industry and how the UK may lose its dominant position. Around 10,000 jobs in finance are expected to leave the UK in the coming years according to a Reuters survey. "For our industry, this really is crunch time." said City UK chief executive Miles Celic.

    More news from sourcingfocus: UK Rates to Rise Soon

  • 21 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Alphabet Incorporated's Google said it would bay over one billion dollars for a division of HTC, moving Google forward in the smartphone market. This is not the first foray into the market for Google, whose failed purchase of Motorola raised eyebrows a few years ago. Questions are already being asked by analysts over the decline of HTC over the past 5 years. As part of the deal, Google gains about 2,000 employees and intellectual property rights.

    More news from sourcingfocus: NHS to Unveil New Network

  • 21 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    BMW have launched their second tech start-up programme in the UK at its headquarters in Farnborough. The programme is looking for five start-ups to improve multi-platform retail process, improve business process through automation, develop software for a pay to use system and regulatory technology. Jonny Combe, General Manager of product and channel development at BMW financial services in the UK said the programme helps keep BMW up to speed with industry change. Four of the five previous start-ups continue to work with BMW, insurtech provider Wrisk, online marketplace Drover, cloud based payment provider Divido and data analytics firm Cazana.

    More news from sourcingfocus: Google Returns to Smartphone Market

  • 21 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Outsourcing firm Capita has seen profits rise in the past six months but revenues declined, worrying investors. The major contract win rate for Capita has increased from one in three to one in two as the company continues its restructure programme. Nick Greatorex, interim CEO of Capita said "We remain confident that these actions (the restructure) are making Capita a simpler business, well positioned for the future under new leadership."

    More news from sourcingfocus: Middle East Must Address IT Staff Shortfall

  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    UK online retail sales were up +16.4% year-on-year (YoY) in August, according to the latest figures from the IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index. This makes August the best month for online retail growth so far in 2017. The Home sector had a particularly strong August, with 20.5% year-on-year growth and an average basket value (ABV) of £130. Clothing also showed good growth at 17.9%, the best performance for this sector in 2017, and with an ABV up £9 on August 2016. These sectors both contributed to the highest overall ABV for the month of August in five years. All this comes despite August inflation of 2.9%, and the reported 2.4% rise in the price of clothing, which has evidently not served to deter fashion shoppers yet. On the other hand, the August results painted a very different picture for Electricals, which suffered its fifth consecutive month of negative growth – the longest sustained period of negative growth for this sector since we started tracking it in 2003.

    More news from sourcingfocus: UK Rates to Rise Soon

  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Business process outsourcing company ADV Communications Limited, a joint venture between ICD Group and Advantage Communications Inc of Canada, plans to increase its number of jobs by 500 by the end of next year. It would double the 500 jobs that Advantage currently has in operation to 1,000 and expand the company's footprint in Jamaica. "Our expansion has been fuelled by organic growth from existing customers as well as the acquisition of new customers, mostly from the US/Canada," said ICD President and CEO Peter Melhado on Monday.

    More news from sourcingfocus: Online Retail Shows Healthy Growth Despite Inflation

  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Retail sales grew by 1% in the month of August according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) with strong growth in clothes and non-essential items. This is the 52nd month of rises, indicating the continued progress of the UK economy after the financial crash of 2008. The ONS warned however that growth in food sales was flat and the contribution of petrol stations decreased, these could be early indications that growth is beginning to subside.

    More news from sourcingfocus: Online Retail Shows Healthy Growth Despite Inflation

  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Federation of Small Businesses has released figures from its survey of 1230 of its members indicating that 13% of respondents were looking for a way out of business, the highest rate since 2012. Optimism is tumbling for small businesses due to rising costs and a more uncertain economic climate. "Rent and taxation are frequently mentioned as causes of increased cost, we need to see more support in this space" said Mike Cherry, FSB National Chairman. The survey did note that exporters were more cheerful as the weak pound encouraged more demand abroad and that many small businesses were looking to add more staff.

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  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    A survey by ComputerWeekly finds that Middle Eastern economies need to offer more training and employ fore women to deal with potentially crippling IT staff shortages. 63% of staff in a recent study of IT professionals in the region indicated that they believe they need more training while nearly three quarters said a lack of training was holding them back. The UAE is suffering from an IT staff shortage due to the growing tech market in the country according to the Dubai Chamber of commerce and industry.

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  • 20 Sep 2017 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    One of the key decisions in any sourcing strategy is the delivery destination. Choosing the right location for your operations can be the difference between success and failure. As part of a mini-series of articles, we will be investigating some of the key destinations for sourcing operations across the globe, highlighting some of the best and most reliable markets for delivery. We will start close to home, by looking at the major destinations for outsourcing in Europe.

    In the UK, one of the key markets for offshoring is Europe, partly because of the advantages of geography. The European continent offers a range of different services from business process outsourcing (BPO) and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation. Sadly, the choice by the British public in the summer of 2016 to leave the European Union (EU) will likely cause friction between the renegade Britain and the united nations of the EU which will undoubtedly damage the climate for business. One of the major potential setbacks would be leaving the single market, the customs union that unites the EU and removes tariffs on cross border trade within the bloc. However, the future of sourcing in the EU is not so dire and the continent is ripe with opportunity and options. According to industry research in 2017 by ISG, sourcing in Europe has been growing at pace, thanks in part to several major deals being signed early in the year. Barry Matthews of ISG expects more growth in the EMEA sourcing market. “We expect a robust second half (of the year) for the EMEA market, with traditional sourcing spend growing by a mid-single-digit percentage for the year.”

    On shoring is a traditional alternative to nearshoring in Europe alongside insourcing, providing services in house, avoiding outsourcing services at all. The UK market is full of opportunity, the UK has a long history of outsourcing and has the most mature outsourcing market in the world, home to many major outsourcing organisations and new service provider challengers. One of the key drivers for on shoring is the shared business culture, language and legal system, which supports areas such as negotiation, best practice and communication. The UK has a thriving market of automation providers and agile, niche operators, designed for the digital, gig-economy thanks, in part, to major education and start-up hubs (such as Oxford, Edinburgh and London) and a friendly business environment over the past two decades.

    One of the best examples of the UK market for sourcing is Scotland. Recently ranked second in customer support centre services research by FDi Benchmark, beating rivals across Europe, such as Wales and Germany, the Scottish central belt has been praised for its industry hubs and low utility costs. Scotland looks to high tech and more complex outsourced services, such as legal sector sourcing, as a core market. As people come to expect more analytics and data skills from service providers, Scottish sourcing suppliers stand to benefit due to a high talent workforce, strong digital infrastructure and a high quality of life. As Stephen Flaherty, Managing Director at J.P.Morgan put it, “Why invest in Scotland? The primary reason is talent.”

    The issue of on shoring is that cost arbitrage is not going to be readily available. Although the average salary in Scotland is roughly £120 a week cheaper than London, options across the UK in areas such as Wales are cheaper and in comparison to the continent, salary costs are high. Another major criticism is that on shoring offers little access to the EU market after Brexit including the wealth of talent provided by EU workers.

    Ireland offers many of the benefits of on shoring with some added bonuses. Ireland will not be immune to Brexit, recent studies suggest that Brexit may damage Irish Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by as much as 3.5%, although Ireland will remain a part of the single market. The potential reintroduction of a hard-border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland will play havoc with cross-border trade and supply lines and may increase political tensions that have been largely dormant since the Good Friday Agreement. However, Ireland remains an attractive destination, ranked 18th on the World Bank, Ease of Doing Business report, just behind Germany and a quickly growing economy (GDP grew by 5.2% in 2016) as slack from a major recession and banking collapse in the late 2000s. Ireland enjoys the advantages of a hugely talented workforce, with English language skills that open up opportunities in a range of different services.

    There are plenty of benefits to outsourcing to Ireland, cheaper average wages than the UK open up cost arbitrage opportunities, tax incentives and a friendly business environment encourage investment, fantastic digital and physical infrastructure and the benefits of the EU market, all adding together to make Ireland particularly popular with financial institutions (thousands of jobs have been transferred to the Emerald Isle in the past couple of years from the UK). High skill manufacturing and research (such as pharmaceutical manufacturing) is growing in Ireland, Almac has opened a new facility in Dundalk. A study by law firm, Matheson, in partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit found that “a unique combination of factors, not one specific element, attracts investment to Ireland.”

    If we move further from the UK, the economies of Spain and Portugal become key options for potential outsourcing services. After suffering severely in the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent Eurozone banking crisis, the two countries are on the road to recovery. Portugal has a thriving ITO industry and due to being in the same time zone as the UK and good English language skills (ranking 15th out of 72 countries in a recent survey on English language ability), Portugal is also popular for call centre services. In 2015, Gartner ranked Portugal the fifth best country for captive or outsourced IT and business process services. One of the key draws for the region at the moment is its high unemployment rate, especially amongst younger workers. Currently unemployment in Spain is 17.1%, offering a slack in the labour market that reduces upward pressure on wages and provides a good pool of available labour across the business hierarchy.

    Spain and Portugal are working hard to take advantage of the current opportunities and incentivise investment with cheap and reliable utilities, innovation hubs, economic stability and tax incentives. Portugal has the 2nd fastest broadband in the Eurozone and the 4th fastest in the world according to Lisbon Nearshore. Thanks as well to the high quality of life, Spain and Portugal are becoming exciting alternatives to established destinations. If the region can develop more stable banking and economic conditions in the medium to long term, the region could become an established destination for the sourcing industry.

    Probably the most established sourcing market in Europe is the CEE region, offering a wide range of services across multiple destinations, the most established being Poland and Hungary. Part of the regions success has derived from its ability to create a more digitally focused economy due to reaching maturity in the past couple decades thanks to almost a century behind the iron curtain. Countries, such as Poland and the Czech Republic have been able to develop strong ITO and BPO sectors thanks to skilled workers in IT and plentiful pool of labour. After joining the single market, the region capitalised on cost arbitrage to offer outsourced services to Western nations, everything from BPO to manufacturing, capturing the market and gaining a bank of expertise for offering outsourced services. Newer options are emerging in the CEE market, such as Georgia and Latvia, whose adoption of new technologies and investment in digital hubs and infrastructure mirrors the investment of Poland in ITO services 15-20 years ago. The CEE market still enjoys good economic growth (Poland grew its GDP by 3.7% year-on-year) and opportunities exist for offices in many of the region’s major cities. Skilled and experienced staff populate the BPO and ITO market while the market offers further opportunities to the East. Good connections to Eastern Europe exist across the UK and the experience of sourcing services provides easier negotiation and communication processes.

    However, the region is facing increasing issues. Recently tension has been growing between the EU and the right-wing governments of Poland and Hungary is not causing too much disruption in the business environment, however the threat of sanctions and punishments could sour the mood. The major issue for the region however is employment, as the pool of labour in countries like the Czech Republic (where the unemployment rate is 2.9%) and Slovakia reduces. According to Mirolsav Kralik of the Slovak-Serbian Chamber of commerce, Slovakia is short of at least 80,000 workers. This could place pressure on wages and make it difficult to source new talent. Increasingly, other nations in the region, for example Serbia, are looking to steal investment from established markets.

    Sourcing in Europe is like a branching menu, depending on what you want and require, the options are there, from high tech and complicated operations to back office business process. Despite Brexit, the European market remains full of opportunity for UK sourcing.

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