Industry news

  • 17 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Department of Health has commissioned Capita Group Plc to develop and deliver NHS Choices, a new digital channel to connect citizens and intermediaries with the NHS. The contract is worth £60 million over three years, with an option to extend for a further two years.

    Capita will be responsible for the hosting, technical and content development of the NHS online presence and related digital services. A key focus will be on ensuring innovative engagement with citizens and clinicians to support a healthier nation.

    The agreement will involve the transfer of approximately 55 staff and 82 contractors from the previous provider to Capita.

    Chris Sellers, Capita’s Managing Director for Health, commented: “We are delighted to have this opportunity to support NHS Choices and look forward to working with everyone involved to further develop the way the NHS connects with its citizens and clinicians online. We welcome all those transferring to Capita and will benefit greatly from their vast experience as this further strengthens our growing presence in the healthcare sector. Together we will help transform the way patients interact with clinicians and provide more efficient access to health education and self help services.”

    Work on the channel began last week.

  • 17 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Homeshoring will remain an attractive option for service providers and their employees, as the global economy slips into a recession, says IDC.

    A new IDC study confirms that "Current economic ripples are buffeting American wage earners, including customer care agents, at a time when workers already face significant challenges to both their productivity and their wallets," said Stephen Loynd, program manager, Contact Center Services research. "I am convinced that when it comes to outsourced customer care, by the time we emerge from a possibly severe global recession, homeshoring will have developed into a more formidable sibling to offshoring than many would have expected just a few years ago."

    Despite current economic indicators, IDC's new market forecast for U.S. home-based agents shows that the projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) remains robust at nearly 19%. IDC is seeing a high degree of interest in this model of service delivery. Indeed, the contact center industry is replete with players moving to adopt the home-based agent offering.

    This IDC study, U.S. Home-Based Agent 2008–2012 Forecast: Homeshoring in an Underwater World is based on analysis of key trends and events in CY08 and their predicted impact on the home-based services market for the five-year period from 2008 to 2012. It includes a forecast specific to outsourced home-based agents in the United States. This study also examines particularly important trends that are impacting how, depending on requirements, customer care might best be delivered.

  • 17 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Readers can check out the line-up for the Sourcing Summit at this link:

  • 17 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    EMEA IT market poised for slowdown in 2009

    IDC, the global intelligence firm, have released their latest update on IT spending in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa which reveals a bleaker outlook for the near term in the wake of the worldwide financial crisis. Growth of just under 3% is now expected for the EMEA IT market in 2009, which represents a 1.5-point drop compared to IDC's previous, pre-crisis forecast.

    Marcel Warmerdam, research director of European IT Markets commented, "The IT market in Western Europe has moved into a phase of very sluggish growth for the foreseeable future, many IT users are already resetting priorities in view of tougher times, with many projects being postponed or canceled."

    The full IDC report can be requested at

  • 17 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Sheffield City Council has selected The Capita Group Plc to perform a wide range of back office processes. Capita will also support the council in business transformation; the first two programmes are likely to be customer services and the introduction of flexible working.

    Cllr Simon Clement Jones, cabinet member for finance and customer focussed services at Sheffield City Council, said: “We said we would make Sheffield City Council more efficient and better for customers and this change is a huge statement of our determination to deliver that for the people of Sheffield.”

    Final negotiations are currently in progress with the contract expected to commence in January 2009.

  • 14 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous
    With the UK halfway into a financial crisis, in the view of many analysts, we are also halfway into job cuts and cost reductions. BT has announced it plans to slash 10,000 jobs worldwide: six percent of its workforce.

    As reported previously on this blog, the telco announced an 11% fall in Q2 profits, blaming poor performance by its Global Services division.

    With 6,000 BT jobs due to go by April, principally among the company's UK direct workforce, many will point the finger at the Services unit. CEO Ian Livingston has denied any blame lies with Global Services and maintains that, wherever possible, the cuts will be made by not filling vacated posts.

    That said, turning around Global services will doubtless involve a mixture of building a more efficient, targeted business – and cutting costs and jobs.

    Meanwhile, the eurozone has entered recession for the first time in its history, with Germany – one of the twin engines of the European economy – joining the downward slide.

    The strength of Indian offshoring, however, stands as a useful sounding board for the weakness of the home economy, with Genpact (among other providers) reporting strong financial results.

  • 13 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    The financial crisis and global recession will accelerate adoption of global outsourcing and offshoring as strategic business tools, according sourcing advisory firm EquaTerra.

    Factors expected to impact outsourcing and offshoring over the next year are:

    Globalisation will continue but at a slower pace –Numerous factors, including the severe global economic downturn, repeated product health/ safety scares related to Chinese goods, a collapse of commodity prices (critical to supporting many emerging market economies) and the election of a new U.S. administration concerned with the loss of domestic jobs will slow globalisation and one of its key manifestations, the global sourcing of services. But the compelling business benefits of global sourcing – especially in tough economic times – will continue to drive growth.

    Reassessment of current global outsourcing strategies/destinations – As buyer focus shifts to cost reduction and cost avoidance, organisations will carefully analyse current and future outsourcing efforts and service provider partners to ensure they are getting services from the most cost-effective location.

    Steep learning curves – As buyers turn to outsourcing/offshoring to help weather economic turbulence, they will need to consider mitigating factors, including service provider capacity levels, prior direct experience and whether engaging a service provider expands or consolidates the supplier base – supplier consolidation/rationalisation is viewed as a means to gain economies of scale, reduce overall costs and speed implementation of new efforts to meet shorter term business needs.

    Volatility in foreign exchange markets – Outsourcing buyers and sellers must become more effective/efficient at hedging against currency fluctuations that often negatively impact local currencies in emerging markets, creating instability in cost structure/pricing/profit margins. The seesawing value of the dollar will make calculating the true costs of outsourcing/offshoring more complicated, challenging buyers and service providers to plan/project longer-term pricing, cost and profitability levels. Efforts to do this should include explicit contractual contingencies and, when possible, spreading global service delivery efforts across multiple markets.

    Wage inflation in offshoring markets will abate, at least temporarily – As Western markets pause to digest events and determine a go-forward strategy, demand for global outsourcing services will slow temporarily, curbing the recent trend toward wage inflation in offshoring markets and helping top outsourcing destinations remain competitive.

    Evolving outsourcing business model – Buyers will continue to shift away from the use of project-based contract labor in favor of longer term, formalised outsourcing relationships. By committing to longer term and larger scale deals, buyers can get better pricing from service providers, better levels of service and lock-in longer term cost savings strategies.

    Move toward flexible service delivery models and acquiring in-house skills needed to manage sourcing successfully – As buyers gain outsourcing/offshoring management experience, they will seek greater flexibility in service delivery models to fit form to function and tasks. The result will be a mix of domestic, nearshore and offshore shared services/captive centres and other outsourcing efforts that will evolve with the marketplace. Organisations will also place greater emphasis on defining, acquiring and transferring skills needed to successfully govern outsourcing/offshoring efforts.

  • 12 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    IT recruitment company, Harvey Nash Group Plc has signed a strategic outsourcing partnership with telecoms infrastructure group Alcatel-Lucent.

    A new subsidiary company will be created called Nash Technologies GmbH to provide wireless technology maintenance, research and development services.

    Harvey Nash said it expects to create revenues of about 54 million euros over the term of the contract which runs until the end of 2010.

  • 12 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    The French National Geographic Institute (IGN) has selected Atos Worldline, an Atos Origin Company, to design, develop and host the first national website, 'Edugéo', dedicated to geography teaching.

    This major project forms part of the French Government’s Reform programs and has been developed on behalf of the French Ministry of Education. IGN has joined forces with Atos Worldline to offer pupils and teachers from French primary and secondary schools easy access to local geographical resources dating back as far as 1947.

    Resources to be included in the portal are aerial photos, digital maps, current and older topographic data. The site will also included functionalities to enable 3D map viewing; the possibility to annotate a map or an aerial photo as well as sketching facilities and access to sharing work done in the classroom.

    “Edugéo is a major project for the National Ministry of Education. It offers teachers new tools for teaching geography. Atos Worldline was able to support us in the development of these services by providing an educational environment that pupils can easily access,” commented Gilles Braun from the National Ministry of Education.

  • 11 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    OMV AG, the leading oil and gas group in central Europe, has selected Fujitsu Siemens Computers as its main technology partner after signing a contract for IT infrastructure and services across 30 countries. Under the terms of the agreement Fujitsu Siemens will manage OMV’s systems across 30 European countries

    Johann Kandelsdorfer, Chief Information Officer at OMV, explains why the company selected Fujitsu Siemens Computers as its technology partner: “The most-important factors in making this decision were flexibility, efficiency and the company’s ability to empathize with the customer. We wanted a provider that could guarantee efficient, reliable and cost-effective business process operations in over 30 countries. Fujitsu Siemens Computers, with whom we had already enjoyed a long-standing partnership, was unmatched in being able to completely fulfill these conditions.”

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