The weekly news roundup

29 Jun 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

The Round-Up has just realised that during many months of pondering over outsourcing news and destinations there is one rather large region that has been inexplicably untouched. Well known for there vast exploits in new technology, tea and sushi, China and Japan seem to be emerging IT markets that have yet to be focused on.

Indian information technology services IT firms are increasing their focus on the Asia Pacific region, particularly China, in an effort to tap into the IT market and use it as a strategic base to enter the USD100 billion a year Japanese IT market. The industry lobby group, National Association of Software and Services Companies, Nasscom, estimates the Japanese IT services market at USD108 billion, and India’s share at USD11.5 billion. Around 8 to 10 percent of this work is offshored, with at least half of that going to China.

So sorry for missing you out China and Japan. There are just so many up and coming destinations for the Round-Up to keep up with!

So in true Round-Up fashion it is now time to look at what has been reported this week on

Satyam revealed its new brand identity, Mahindra Satyam. It came as a result of Tech Mahindra acquiring a 31 percent stake in Satyam.

Vineet Nayyar, Executive Vice Chairman of the Satyam Board, described, “This is a significant milestone towards the recovery of the company. We are optimistic that this new brand will re-energise the organisation and will be well received by all our stakeholders.”

It seems I am back onto all things Indian. So in that vein, this week saw more Indian related outsourcing news on IDEA Cellular, India’s third largest private telecom services provider, has signed a Rs.1,450 million outsourcing agreement with Firstsource Solutions, a global BPO services provider.

Firstsource Solutions will provide customer management interaction services including customer service, billing, and new product information. It will deliver services to IDEA from its centre in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India. Firstsource will be providing these services for IDEA’s Kerala and Tamil Nadu customers in English, Malayalam and Tamil.

Now I am sure the Round-Up is going to receive a plethora of comments remarking on the overwhelming amount of outsourcing destinations that I have not mentioned. Please, comment away, I am only human but will endeavor to examine as many destinations as is possible.

Until then, enjoy the sun – a sweltering 33 degrees in the UK (I am not

complaining…yet). And enjoy yet another week.

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