Offshored call centres generate hostility

2 Dec 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Foreign workers in offshore contact centres face the “brunt of consumer hostility”, research has indicated.

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of customers said they found non-British accents in a call centre difficult to understand, according to a survey of over 2,000 customers by Nuance Communications.

The research also suggested that more than one in five (21 per cent) Brits are ashamed of the way they have spoken to call centre agents in the past.

Ian Turner, Nuance general manager for Northern EMEA said many call centres are overlooked and offshored instead of being seen as an important operation.

“Customer service is a differentiator in any competitive, resource-strapped economy. In a recession it's fundamental to survival and recovery. And yet, against better business judgement, many call centres are overlooked for investment or just offshored.”

“As the principle point of customer contact, call centres should be regarded as the company’s crown jewels. Contacting a company should be a positive experience, not one that exasperates and tests your limits.”

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