Infosys: outsourcing deals are on the up

11 Mar 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Infosys Technologies is seeing its outsourcing deals pick up as major countries leave the economic downturn behind, it has been reported.

In the last two quarters the markets have improved and deals are coming back, CEO and managing director, S Gopalakrishnan, told reporters at an event in Mumbai, according to Business.

“The recovery is led by the United States and other emerging markets such as India and China,” said Gopalakrishnan.

“The US contributes 60 per cent of the total business. Clearly this is having more impact on the Indian IT services. Proactively we are investing more on diversifying our business,” he added.

Currently, the company's revenue distribution is 60 per cent from North America, 25 per cent from Europe and the balance from other parts of the world.

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