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Contracting Workstream

  • 6 Jul 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Webinar


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Hopefully you saw the GSA announce its new manifesto and programme of work in response to COVID-19. 

Within this we are resurrecting the contracting workstream as we see there is a huge demand for contracting changes as organisations embark on their restart strategies and there is a “true up” across partnerships as the dust settles.

Our research is revealing the following:

  • Organisations are immediately looking at how to take cost out of their contracts
  • Both buyers and service providers are looking to undertake contract and scope realignments
  • There is a desire to move to shorter contracts
  • A need to stress test exits
  • And the trend to more partners, working to outcome based / alliance models will continue in order to quickly drive much needed innovation and transformation

This is in addition to existing developments in this area, to include contracting for new technologies as well as use of new technologies, such as blockchain and AI, in contracting.

This GSA workstream plans to develop a programme of work that will guide members through all of these areas, through the delivery of webinars and development of content. We will also develop thought leadership on the overall theme of the future of contracts and new contracting models.

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