Founding Member of FormIGA – the global Industry for Good Alliance

GSA  Awards

GSA strongly believes that recognising and rewarding talent and innovations not only helps individuals and organisations to get the recognition they deserve, but it also helps drive the sharing of best practice, which in turn improves the reputation and success of the strategic sourcing industry.

In light of this, GSA organises 3 awards programmes, follow the links below to find out more!

In 2024, we decided to have an annual awards ceremony.

GSA UK Awards brings together the UK’s leading buyers, providers and advisers in strategic sourcing. These Awards acknowledge the companies and the programmes of strategic sourcing that deliver above and beyond.

The Global Awards acknowledge and recognise the contributions, talent and efforts of individuals, teams and organisations in the strategic sourcing industry on a global level. The Awards take place every other year. In 2018 in CapeTown, South Africa and in 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria.