Founding Member of FormIGA – the global Industry for Good Alliance
There is so much going on in the industry right now – most of it positive, but of course some very clear challenges. I’d like to invite you to join me to discuss these challenges with peers over an informal dinner on Wednesday, June 15th, at the iconic Royal Automobile Club in London.
Kerry Hallard, CEO of the Global Sourcing Association (GSA), and Atul Vashistha, CEO of Supply Wisdom, an authority on global sourcing and member of the GSA, will co-chair this event where we will bring together fellow sourcing and procurement professionals, providing an excellent opportunity to both network and openly discuss how your organisation is adapting to current global challenges, to include:
Event details are as follows:
Venue: The Royal Automobile Club
80 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HS
Date: June 15th
Time: 7 – 10 PM
7 pm-7:15 pm-Welcome and Champagne
7:15 pm-8 pm Whiskey Tasting and Presentation
8 pm-9:30 pm Dinner and Discussion
9:30 pm-10 pm-Mingle and Drinks