The weekly news roundup

12 Jun 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

We all know that outsourcing is being considered more than ever by businesses who are desperately trying to cut back on expenditure in what has become a very unforgiving economy and employment market. In particular many call centres are now entertaining the notion of outsourcing some of their business practices, especially their call overflows, in order to significantly reduce their outgoings. And it goes without saying that outsourcing has numerous advantages that can make it an attractive proposition to contact centres. This week Call Centre and Customer Management outlined these advantages as; improving quality of service, reducing capital costs, reducing operational costs, and learning new skill sets. Now I know that you are reading this and thinking ‘why is the Round-Up telling us about the benefits of outsourcing – its like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs’. Just stay with me on this…

I am bringing this to your attention because it was also reported that recent concerns have surfaced over the quality of customer services in UK contact centres. According to the consumer programme Watchdog, the standard of customer service from contact centres is actually worsening. Consumers up and down the UK have reportedly been left frustrated by unresolved customer service interaction. According to the report from the BBC programme, of the 7,120 respondents of a customer satisfaction survey as many as three quarters revealed that they were of the opinion that the standard of customer service in the UK was in decline. Put two and two together what do you get? OUTSOURCING! news also reported that outsourcing firms handling call volumes from Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) continue to remain competitive and profitable with successful initiatives to contain cost during the global economic downturn. According to a new Frost and Sullivan analysis, past perceptions of loss of control over customer interactions are diminishing as providers in this market deploy successful implementations, offer advanced services and publish customer success stories. Let’s hear it again – OUTSOURCE!

I will now stop preaching from the outsourcing bible and focus on some of the contracts signed and reported on this week.

Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications provider has signed one of two contracts expanding applications services with EDS, an HP company. The five-year, US$140 million deal is one of the largest application management engagements signed this year in Australia.

Also, CSC was successful in winning £31m worth of contracts from the UK Atomic Energy Authority and Civil Nuclear Police Authority. CSC, the IT services provider, has secured information technology outsourcing contracts with five UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) companies and the Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA). The six contracts, which each have a five-year term, have a total estimated value of £31 million.

Please do click through to the website to see what else has been happening in the world of outsourcing. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Friday and that you have positive experiences with what ever call centre customer service operator you are bound to converse with at one time or other.

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