United Launch Alliance awards CSC IT contract

21 Jul 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

United Launch Alliance (ULA), the spacecraft launch services initiative, has awarded CSC, a new managed IT services contract. CSC will provide a consolidated service center and desktop and application services for the ULA enterprise. The agreement supports ULA's mission of engineering, manufacturing and launching rockets for the U.S. government and commercial organisations. The three-year agreement has an estimated value of US$9 million.

CSC's relationship with ULA, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, began in December 2006. CSC currently provides personnel support for ULA's help desk, desktop, server, network and application organisations.

Carmine Orsini, Vice President of ULA's Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, commented, "ULA looks forward to working with CSC in the journey to support our company-wide ethic called Perfect Product Delivery. Our primary goal is to optimize the processes and products we deliver throughout the IT value stream using continuous improvements techniques based on customer value."

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