NOA Member Survey - Price benchmarking in IT outsourcing

28 Aug 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

As part of his studies towards the NAO's recently launched Diploma in Global Strategic Outsourcing, NAO member Graham Jump is conducting a survey into 'Price Benchmarking in IT Outsourcing'.

Due to the commercially sensitivity nature of benchmarking, real data can be hard to find and Graham's aim is to collect some intelligence on how price benchmarks are actually being used in the real world.

If you are a user of IT outsourcing services with recent (last 2 years) experience of price benchmarking and would like to participate please link to the survey at:

The survey does not ask you to identify yourself, your company or any third parties and so your response will not be identifiable among the other responses. It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

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