UK Forensics' has £3 million IT overhaul

23 Sep 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Britain’s Forensic Science Service (FSS) is said to have experienced an increase in efficiency and cost-effectiveness as a result of the recent work conducted by Capgemini UK plc.

The FSS, a government-owned company, is the market leader in the supply of forensic services to police forces in England and Wales and has a global reputation for excellence in the development and deployment of new and advanced techniques. It pioneered the use of DNA technologies and paved the way for the establishment of the world’s first DNA database, launched in April 1995.

Capgemini has upgraded the organisation’s core SAP system, installed a new costing and monitoring system and processed a new management information system for better visibility of customer service and financial outcomes.

The FSS gave the contract to Capgemini following a procurement process that involved more than 20 national and international bidders. Development staff from India working delivered the services from the FSS HQ in Birmingham.

Mark Lowther, Director of Information and Communications Technology at the FSS, said: “Capgemini’s sparkling expertise in SAP technology has given us a new level of control over the cost and progress of every investigation we undertake, enabling us to become more efficient and competitive, and to provide even better service to our customers."

Capgemini is continuing to work on IT projects at the FSS. Current assignments include a new IT-based system to improve the efficiency of tracking exhibits along their journey from crime scene to courtroom, and a new strategic business and financial planning system.

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