Win Talking Outsourcing by Mark Kobayashi-Hillary

15 Oct 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

For those of you who missed last week's entertaining insight into the world of outsourcing at Mark Kobayashi-Hillary's book launch, do not fear. Mark, the most prolific blogger, author and networker in the industry, has kindly donated a signed copy of his book for us to give away. The book brings together almost three years of Mark's Computing blog, Talking Outsourcing, and charts the years of hard work that have gone into making the blog the most well-read on the Computing website.

Talking Outsourcing reads like a diary of the industry since its inception in 2006 to date. What's more, this insight into multifarious outsourcing industry could be yours by answering this simple question: what was the title of Mark's first ever Talking outsourcing blog post? (Tip: there is an archive section on the right hand side of Mark's blog)

Simply email in your answers to stating your name and the title of the blog to enter. The winner's name will be drawn randomly from all entries and announced next Friday.

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