Renault renews Atos Origin contract

19 Oct 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Automobile manufacturer Renault has awarded a three-year IT services contract to Atos Origin. The new agreement follows a contract signed in 2005 for which Atos Origin achieved all of its service quality, process standardisation and cost reduction targets. Atos Origin will take responsibility for managing 75 per cent of all Renault’s applications.

As a result of the work carried out under the previous contract, Renault’s and Atos Origin’s teams were awarded with a CMMI 3 certification.

Renault CIO François Gitton explained; “Atos Origin has demonstrated its ability to provide quality services on time and on budget. We will continue this partnership and are counting on Atos Origin to take our IT systems to an even higher level, in our drive for competitive advantage. We will need to be even more proactive and continue to reduce our costs.”

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