The weekly news roundup

30 Oct 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Are your nightmares plagued with IT security concerns that see you waking up in a pool of sweat, fearing that certain files or information could get into the wrong hands?

They are? Then the Round-Up suggests you either see your doctor about getting some sedatives or simply pursue a more exciting lifestyle! No, not really.

IT security anxiety is not an affliction exclusive to you and I. It seems that despite an increasing trend of IT outsourcing, confidence in supplier security remains low in the UK. Apparently a survey conducted by YouGov found that most IT managers (89 percent) said they outsource at least one IT system, but 20 percent believe these are less secure than those run in-house.

Despite these security concerns, 31 percent of companies plan to outsource more in the coming year, according to a separate outsourcing study by PA Consulting. So good news from our perspective!

True to form, the news room has been awash with news of new IT outsourcing contracts being won. The biggest contracts seem to be coming from the UK and the US. So apparently fear plays little part in the contracts end-users are prepared to sign. Again, more good news.

The biggest contracts in the UK this week were signed between Middlesex University and IBM and HM Revenue and Customs through Capgemini.

Middlesex University signed a five-year contract with IBM to upgrade and manage its IT infrastructure and provide disaster recovery services. It appears that the contract was signed as part of a green initiative by the University. The new IT infrastructure will see a reduction in the power and space requirements of its on campus machine rooms, helping it to meet government energy saving targets.

The other big UK agreement was announced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the UK’s tax authority. HMRC agreed to channel all core external IT spend through it’s current contract with Capgemini. Major subcontractors include Fujitsu and Accenture.

As for the UK’s erstwhile cousins across the pond, the U.S. General Service Administration (GSA) signed a contact with CGI and U.S. Homeland Security has signed a contract with CSC.

The contract signed by the U. S. General Services Administation is another five-year IT outsourcing contract. The contract with CGI has an estimated value of US$32 million and will see the CGI data centre hosting and providing application management support to GSA’s Integrated Financial System.

Finally, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has signed a contract with CSC to provide information technology infrastructure and cyber support to the National Protection and Programs Directorate’s Office of Cyber Security and Communications.

A positive week for IT outsourcing contracts then. Hopefully this will serve to satisfy end-users fears regarding IT safety. All that is left to say is sleep easy.

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