The Highland Council signs £66m ICT contract with Fujitsu

2 Nov 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

The Highland Council, the Scottish Highland's local government, has signed an IT services contract with Fujitsu for the next five years. Under the new £66m contract, Fujitsu will manage the entire ICT ‘estate’ for The Highland Council, including additional projects around the ICT curriculum in schools across the Highlands.

The new ICT systems provided by Fujitsu will be developed with energy-efficiency in mind. The council hopes the systems will result in energy cost savings of 2.5 percent per annum and lower its carbon footprint.

Councillor Carolyn Wilson, chairman of The Highland Council Resources Committee, said: “This new contract will offer the Council and all the staff a number of interesting opportunities for new, improved and flexible ways of working in the future and allow significant investment in new ICT systems and infrastructure for both corporate and school curriculum ICT. It will deliver significant efficiency savings - £6.76 million over the next five years – and cut the carbon footprint of the Council through reduced carbon emissions and energy consumption.”

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