NOA launches UK's first outsourcing qualifications

19 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous
For those of you who haven't seen the story – perhaps because you were at the NOA summit In London yesterday and today – The National Outsourcing Association has today launched the UK’s first accredited professional outsourcing qualifications and training programmes.

Available immediately and delivered through its newly formed professional development arm, NOA Pathway, the qualifications are accredited by Middlesex University.

The programmes range from the entry-level NOA Gateway, which offers learners a solid foundation in outsourcing, through to the masters level NOA Diploma.

A range of training programmes covering all aspects of the outsourcing lifecycle are also being launched.

Martyn Hart, chairman of the NOA commented: “Globalisation has accelerated the rise of outsourcing. While this brings opportunities, it also brings some challenges. Until now, there has been no common best practice standard or benchmark for outsourcing and there is no way of recognising whether staff involved know their subject or not.

”NOA Pathways helps organisations evaluate suppliers/vendors and enables them to trust the supplier’s outsourcing knowledge, commitment and ability.”

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