Founding Member of FormIGA – the global Industry for Good Alliance
A good time to buy or sell.pdf
As the high street slows, outsourcing grows.pdf
Business process outsourcing in 2011.pdf
Case Study- Centrica and EXL- collaboration in action.pdf
Cash strapped councils turn to innovative solutions.pdf
Cloud and outsourcing- Opportunity or Threat.pdf
Communications Outsourcing- Telcos bite back.pdf
Customer service- The Customer is King.pdf
Doing business. Doing good.pdf
End Users; What is it that they really, really want.pdf
Government invest in training.pdf
Helping the Government help itself.pdf
Human resource outsourcing and payout.pdf
Impact of consumerisation of IT on outsourcing.pdf
Infrastructure for a brighter future.pdf
IT skills and education- Deskilling Britain.pdf
Keep the scope broad and relationships tight.pdf
Knowledge process outsourcing.pdf
Making an acquisition work.pdf
Obama speaks the voters' language.pdf
Outsourcing learning and development in 2012.pdf
Outsourcing relationships- the source of value.pdf
Professionalising the Industry.pdf
Public sector; share services like you mean it.pdf
Regulations and job losses are de rigeur.pdf
Spotlight on acquisitions in HRO.pdf
Telecom predictions for 2012.pdf
The G-cloud One cloud to rule over all.pdf
The importance of being innovative.pdf
Training, Apprenticeships and Mentoring.pdf
Two's company- Proactive partnerships in innovation leadership.pdf