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Impact Sourcing WEBINAR

The outsourcing industry, as a people industry, is becoming well recognised for being an industry at the leading edge of all things social in ESG. It is the outsourcing industry that has given long-term and meaningful employment to all sorts of disadvantaged communities – In fact, the outsourcing industry has now created millions of jobs around the world and is a major contributor to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) of eradicating global poverty.

Here at the GSA, we know there is increasing confusion around the term Impact Sourcing. We also know there is a degree of “social washing” going on. But we also know that lots of buyers want to have some of their work delivered by impact workers, to do their bit towards the UN’s SDGs and many service providers want to bring an impact workforce into their talent pools – but neither know where to start.

This webinar covers  the discipline of Impact Sourcing and what is involved in starting and maintaining an Impact Sourcing programme

Otis Makahamadze

Chief Operating Officer at OmniContact

Kerry Hallard

Watch the full presentation below:

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