Journey to a sustainable future: A controlled approach to ESG reporting

10 Jan 2023 9:32 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

UK corporates face a seemingly unending stream of new requirements around ESG reporting, from Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to the EU and UK taxonomies and, in the US, SEC and sector specific requirements such as National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) climate related disclosures.

A diverse range of businesses will be affected by this rapidly evolving reporting environment, but financial services firms, in particular, need to be ready for a whole new swathe of sustainability reporting requirements.

Historically, much of the sustainability reporting that firms have done has sat outside the Finance function in dispersed pockets of expertise within the business. But as reporting frameworks have become clearer, requirements stricter, and expectations on quality higher, there is increasing pressure from both inside and outside the boardroom to treat sustainability reporting with the same robust, systematic, and controls-focused approach that is used with financial reporting.

Read more on KPMG here.

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