Here’s why human-centric innovation is necessary

23 Jan 2023 11:39 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

Even a great idea or mission can be crippled by design that doesn’t put people first. Why should human considerations—such as their needs, wants, and dreams—only come into the conversation later? By centering empathy and understanding in design research, companies can both reduce risk in the idea-generating stage and ensure people are at the heart of the process, write senior partners Ewan Duncan and Kevin Neher. These needs also include the needs of the planet, society, and what matters to us as human beings. Explore our insights to learn more about human-centric design, including how to balance designing for individuals versus everyone, why first-hand research can change the game, and why it’s important to innovate for the needs of future people too.

Read more on McKinsey & Company here.

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