Cognizant buys into IoT with Mobica acquisition

24 Jan 2023 9:50 AM | Abbie Lunn (Administrator)

Cognizant is to acquire Wilmslow-headquartered former Little British Battler (LBB) Mobica as it looks to enhance its IoT software development capabilities.

We first looked at Mobica back in 2012 when they formed part of our 'Little British Battler' initiative (see here) – indeed at the time we were particularly impressed with the way the top team ‘walked the walk’ as well as ‘talked the talk’. Fast forward eleven years and they have talked and walked themselves into a deal with acquisitive SI Cognizant who is looking to expand its IoT embedded software engineering capabilities. Sensible stuff given that IoT has become one of the hottest parts of the SITS market.

Read more on TechMarketView here.

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