British is best, say consumers

2 Jul 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

New research shows that customer service is thriving in the UK. More than 46 percent of consumers think Britain is best for how well we are treated, surging ahead of the US on 25.5 percent, says the Institute of Customer Service. Germany is a long way behind in third on 7.9 percent and other major European tourist destinations – France, Spain, Italy and Greece – all scored poorly.

Despite difficult trading conditions, almost 40 organisations or professions achieved a customer satisfaction score of 80 percent or above - the benchmark for world class customer satisfaction.

The study of 25,000 people revealed John Lewis is the best individual organisation and the first to top 90 percent in the ratings. Other top performers include the Fire and Ambulance Services, Waitrose, M&S, Mazda and the RAC.

Overall, the UK achieved an average rating of 74 percent in the Institute’s UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI), up from 72 in the previous study six months ago.

Jo Causon the Institute’s chief executive, said: “The results show organisations are trying really hard to keep consumers satisfied, but we realise from the wide range of scores across the sectors that there is no room for complacency.”

Even the much-maligned banking sector performs better, with more people content with the attention they receive in branches and on the phone – showing they are not inclined to blame ‘frontline troops’ for recent economic woes.

It is those who take customer service seriously that are reaping the rewards and will continue to do so beyond the current economic gloom, says the Institute.

The UKCSI allows consumers to rate service across 13 public, private and third sectors - covering professionalism, quality and efficiency, ease of doing business, problem solving and timeliness.

“Striving to offer world-class customer service gives your business the best chance of getting out of the recession sooner – and stronger" explained Causon. She continued, "putting customers at the heart of your business improves employee performance, which increases corporate performance and makes organisations more competitive.

“We know individuals and businesses have less money to spend and are more careful where they spend it. Research shows that taking customer service seriously can produce 24 percent more profit. Even a 5 percent jump in customer loyalty can boost profits by between 25 and 85 percent.”

Utilities props up the table as the worst performing sector, with an overall UKCSI score of 66, with national Public Services and Telecoms also with work to do.

At a time when many consumers feel the need to tighten their belts, Utilities was the sector with the highest proportion (22 percent) of customers changing their supplier. There was however a notable improvement in complaint handling in the sector, which rose to 63 percent overall.

Other key points to emerge from the Index include:

· The top performing sector is UK tourism.

· There has been a resurgence in popularity of fish-and-chip shops.

· Overall, women are happier with the service they receive than men.

· Local pubs, despite trade being hit by recession, have increased their popularity rating.

· Local plumbers come out top of small businesses, beating hairdressers, travel agents and shoe repairers/key-cutters.

· Utilities was the worst performing sector with an overall UKCSI score of 66.1, bettered by Public Services (national) on 70 and Telecoms on 70.1.

Top 10 success stories:

John Lewis (90.9 percent)

Fire Service (89.8 percent)

Waitrose (87.1 percent)

M&S - food (87.0 percent)

Ambulance Service (86.4 percent)

Mazda (86.2 percent)

RAC (86 percent)

M&S – non-food (84.5 percent)

P&O Ferries (83.9 percent)

Center Parcs (83.8 percent)

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