Océ outsources IT in Europe to Atos Origin

7 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Océ, an international leader in digital document management, has outsourced the IT support for its European sales companies to Atos Origin in a new seven year agreement. Under the contract terms 65 Océ staff will transfer to Atos Origin but another 20 jobs will be lost at the company.

Atos Origin will be responsible for the management of over 6,000 workplaces and all local applications in Océ’s sales companies across Europe. Other services that Atos Origin will provide include network, server and LAN management, and the management of Océ’s telephone network in Europe.

Effective 1 November 2008, Atos Origin will contribute significantly to Océ’s transition to a central European IT organisation, which will make it easier and less expensive to provide support to its operating companies and result in greater flexibility at lower cost.

“Outsourcing the IT support for our European sales companies helps us improve our operational processes. The move is part of our previously announced cost savings program, in which 950 job positions are being eliminated. In so doing we will realize € 130 million in savings in 2008 and 2009,” said Jan Dix, member of the Océ Board of Executive Directors, responsible for IT.

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