French Geographic Institute selects Atos for geography teaching website

12 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

The French National Geographic Institute (IGN) has selected Atos Worldline, an Atos Origin Company, to design, develop and host the first national website, 'Edugéo', dedicated to geography teaching.

This major project forms part of the French Government’s Reform programs and has been developed on behalf of the French Ministry of Education. IGN has joined forces with Atos Worldline to offer pupils and teachers from French primary and secondary schools easy access to local geographical resources dating back as far as 1947.

Resources to be included in the portal are aerial photos, digital maps, current and older topographic data. The site will also included functionalities to enable 3D map viewing; the possibility to annotate a map or an aerial photo as well as sketching facilities and access to sharing work done in the classroom.

“Edugéo is a major project for the National Ministry of Education. It offers teachers new tools for teaching geography. Atos Worldline was able to support us in the development of these services by providing an educational environment that pupils can easily access,” commented Gilles Braun from the National Ministry of Education.

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