Rabo Vastgoed Group outsources IT services management to Atos Origin

25 Nov 2008 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Rabo Vastgoed Group, an international real estate organisation, has signed a five year outsourcing deal with Atos Origin. The contract will see Atos manage the company’s IT infrastructure in the Netherlands.

Rabo hopes that the outsourcing deal will deliver high-quality management, cost savings and enable the company to better anticipate new market developments.

"Thanks to this outsourcing we are able to ensure the quality of our IT service at a cost level that is in line with the market. What’s more, this makes Rabo Vastgoed Group very well equipped to respond early to changing customer needs,” says Jos van Lange, Chief Financial and Risk Officer of Rabo Vastgoed Group. "Rabo Vastgoed Group wants to strengthen its leading position in the real estate market and optimal use of IT plays a crucial part in this."

The agreement between Rabo Vastgoed Group and Atos Origin forms part of a wider outsourcing of the IT infrastructure to a total of three parties. Atos Origin is responsible for the IT service desk, office IT and computer centre services of Rabo Vastgoed Group. Rabobank Group IT, Rabobank’s own IT group, will be responsible for housing the central IT infrastructure and a third supplier will take care of services in the area of telephony and networks. In addition, the IT services provider will have operational control of these other services to be outsourced.

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