Converso Contact Centre booms

6 Mar 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Outsourcer breaks company record and increases earnings by a further 25 percent

Converso Contact Centres, headquartered in Southend-on-Sea, has achieved record revenues within the last three months. In November the company generated incomes of £400,000 and in January this figure rose to £500,000.

Ben Krempel, Converso’s Business Development Director, said the success has come from a jump in demand for outsourced services ranging from customer service management through to telemarketing, loyalty and up-selling campaigns. The success is also attributed to a consolidation and growth of services being provided to existing customers.

He commented, “In the past six months our pilot campaigns have been very popular allowing organisations to trial the effects of outsourcing first. Due to the success of these projects many of these have now turned into long-term business. We have also seen a trend from established customers to use more and more outsourced services particularly as internal resources are stretched.”

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