Hyundai Motor America renews CRM contract with Convergys

19 Mar 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Hyundai Motor America has signed a three-year contract renewal with Convergys, a global BPO provider. Convergys will provide customer management services to the car manufacturer.

As part of the contact Convergys will provide dedicated customer service agents as the first point of contact for vehicle owners contacting Hyundai’s Consumer Affairs for sales and service related concerns. Convergys will also provide case management, fulfillment, self-service, and other back office processes to Hyundai.

“At Hyundai, we know that providing the highest level of service to our customers throughout their relationship with our company is a key driver of continued loyalty,” said Kelly Kawaguchi, Hyundai’s National Manager of Consumer Affairs. “Convergys’ experienced and knowledgeable agents ensure our owners have an excellent service experience each and every time they contact us. In addition, Convergys’ extensive reporting capabilities give us the insight we need to take positive action on trends and issues that can impact customer satisfaction.”

“Car buyers and owners are sophisticated when it comes to the purchase and maintenance of their vehicles. Providing a consistent customer experience across all channels throughout the customer’s relationship with a particular brand is a key differentiator for manufacturers and dealers and a solid predictor of return business,” said Jim Boyce, Convergys President, Global Business Units. “Convergys’ experience in the auto industry, coupled with our live agents and self-service solutions, is a key component of Hyundai’s strategy to maintain high customer satisfaction levels and drive profitable growth.”

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