Spanish insurance company signs ITO deal with Steria

14 Apr 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Seguros Lagun Aro, an insurance company belonging to the Spanish Mondragón Group (MCC), has signed a 5 million euro ITO contract with Steria.

Under the terms of the agreement, lasting an initial four years, Steria will provide support for all the company's applications. Steria will work to create an application development platform using Oracle's Developer suite.

It is hoped the deal will allow the company’s IT department to focus more clearly on the requirements of their internal business processes, improve the quality of applications whilst achieving a significant cost reductions.

Juan Manuel Egia, Lagun Aro's Information Systems Director, comments: "Steria has a large number of customers working on an Oracle platform. Its flexibility and its highly specialised experts guarantee a rapid response to our changing needs."

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