The weekly news roundup

20 Nov 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Apparently Indian outsourcing suppliers are finding Europe a tough nut to crack. Compared to the U.S and North America, Continental Europe has not adapted the outsourcing models provided by Indian IT suppliers, according to research conducted by Forrester. So the Indian outsourcing giants are fallible.

That is not to say that Europe does not outsource, it just doesn’t seem to be outsourcing to Indian. However, the Round-Up does not think this will last for long. With all the news about the state of public sector outsourcing and budget cuts, it will be almost impossible to bypass the offerings in India. Just this week the news room has had an abundance of public sector ITO contract announcements.

For instance, the Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust has signed a contract with Kainos. Kainos is a IT consulting company and the contract will help manage the large amounts of paper based notes that are processed. It’s all going electronic now.

Universities are also getting in on the act. The University of Ulster has announced that it has signed an ITO contract with IBM. The IT overhaul that IBM will manage will enable staff to see a more comprehensive overview of the university’s performance matrix. The statement released by IBM confirmed that financial pressures on Universities have made outsourcing a more viable process to procure.

A short and sweet round up this week, it seems the run up to Christmas has seen a slow down in new contract news. Mark the Round-Up’s word, this will not last long.

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