Contact centre outsourcers outperform in-house operations

15 Jul 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Contact centre outsourcers outperform in-house operations

ContactBabel's and The Outsource Junction's have teamed up to create a detailed report on the contact centre outsourcing industry.

The report has found that outsourcers have usually outperformed in-house contact centres, with average speed to answer being 26% lower, and non-talk time being 10% lower in outsourcing operations.

The report also predicts that between now and 2011, growth in the contact centre outsourcing sector will be more than double that of the in-house sector

Other areas covered by the research includes:

• Businesses' attitudes towards outsourcing

• Outsourcing vs in-house performance statistics

• Salaries, HR and technology

• Outsourcers' revenue, growth, profit margins

• Trends in pricing, procurement and OSP selection processes

• Growth drivers, sectors, types of work

• SWOT analysis of the outsourcing sector's future

• Choosing an outsource partner: what to ask

• Top 30 UK contact centre and BPO outsourcers by revenue

• Detailed views of the Top 10 UK outsourcers (financials, location, clients, service portfolio, sector expertise, M&A, etc)

• Sector Focus: The UK Public Service Industry - the fastest-growing UK BPO sector

The full report can be found here:

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