The Canadian Press has signed a media outsourcing contract with Pagemasters

17 Aug 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

The Canadian Press, Canada’s national news agency, has partnered with Pagemasters North America to provide newspapers in Canada and the U.S. a complete range of editorial and production services. Pagemasters are a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian Associated Press (AAP).

Pagemasters currently provides editorial outsourcing for newspapers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. As part of their services, Pagemasters prepares, edits and designs pages tailored to a particular paper’s specifications.

Eric Morrison, president of The Canadian Press said: “The key is that savings through greater productivity and efficiencies are not achieved by sacrificing the quality of the pages, whether they are features and supplements or news pages and ‘common’ pages similar across most papers such as national and world news pages.”

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