Nissan North America signs ITO contract with EDS

19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Nissan North America Inc. (NNA) has signed a multiyear technology and services agreement with EDS, an HP company. NNA coordinates all operations for Nissan throughout the Americas.

EDS will provide management services for NNA’s server and storage environment, a portion of which will be relocated to an EDS data centre in Tulsa, Oklahoma. EDS teams in centres in India and Brazil will remotely manage the Tulsa data centre as well as NNA’s distributed server and storage environment. Additionally, EDS will manage NNA’s mainframe systems in the NNA data centre in Colorado.

Car manufacturers are looking for new ways to innovate as they work to meet the demand for environmentally friendly vehicles. Under the terms of the agreement, EDS will transition NNA to an outsourcing model designed to improve integration and support of technology from multiple vendors. As a result, NNA expects improvements in governance and lowered costs for its U.S. and Canada operations.

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