Park Resorts outsources to Sitel to manage sales

14 Jan 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

UK-based holiday centre Park Resorts has appointed Sitel to provide the company’s sales and service operations, following its 40 per cent sales increase over the last two summers as holiday-makers opt for money-saving staycations.

The decision was a difficult one however, according to the holiday company’s sales and marketing chief.

“It was not an easy decision to outsource our reservation centre but the positives will speak for themselves,” said Andy Edge, sales and marketing director at Park Resorts.

“I am very proud of the Park Resorts team,” he added.

Although previously delivered in-house, sales and service operations were given to Sitel in 2008 whilst they provided overflow support to company. After the success of the move, there was a transition to a full outsourced solution from its Stratford upon Avon centre in January 2009.

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