Outsourcing market has best performance in six quarters

21 Jan 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

TPI and Information Services Group have today released fourth-quarter and full-year 2009 data indicating the global outsourcing market has had its best performance in the last six quarters.

The 4Q09 Global TPI Index, measuring commercial outsourcing contracts was valued at greater than $25 million, showing the market's total contract value at $24.7 billion, an increase of 47 per cent successively and 8 per cent year-over-year.

The main outsourcing sector driving the market forward is recognised as IT outsourcing (ITO), surging in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

"As we anticipated, 2009 marked a low point in outsourcing because of the recession in the general economy," whilst "the global market bottomed in the first half of the year it now shows signs of recovering slowly and steadily, with the outlook for building on its second-half momentum positive,” said Mark Mayo, partner and president, Global Operations, TPI.

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