McDonald's extends long-term sourcing contract with ACS

26 Jan 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Fast food giant McDonald’s has announced it will extend its existing relationship with IT provider, ACS for an additional five years.

Under the renewed agreement ACS will provide McDonald’s with a range of managed IT services including, desktop support, messaging services, data centre facilities management and network operations.

ACS will also supply McDonald's with an end-to-end application performance monitoring service, enhancing the diagnosis of performance issues across the core technology stacks, support planning and infrastructure readiness.

"Sourcing has been a key component of our strategy to enable and empower our business. The extension of the ACS agreement is a sign of our further commitment to this strategy and to all the benefits we've received from our relationship with the ACS team. We look forward to the continued successes we have achieved with all our sourcing partners,” said Chris Millington, vice president and chief technology officer for McDonald's.

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