The weekly news roundup

12 Feb 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Kraft has managed to ruffle the feathers of the British public yet again, with more news pertaining to the nation’s favorite chocolate-maker, Cadburys. It was reported this week that the American food giant is going ahead with plans to offshore its chocolate production to Poland. Gone is the English reserve, as Cadbury’s national officer claimed that the Somerdale branch is to be only the first casualty of Kraft’s ownership.

Poland may or may not be renowned for its chocolate-making skills but one things for sure: the British public won’t take kindly to yet more foreign intervention.

Moving on now from Picnics to planes; it was revealed this week that civilian contractors are being sent to Afghanistan to operate military pilotless aircraft.

QinetiQ has operators working with the Royal Netherlands Army in Uruzgan province in central Afghanistan providing a system of unmanned aerial vehicles that can be called on at any time by the Dutch forces.

Meanwhile, Chinese and Indian students are top dogs apparently when it comes to IT literacy. According to a study released by Accenture, China and India stand to gain a global competitive advantage because of the importance placed on IT.

Western Europe did not fare very well however, as the research revealed that they felt technology was too time consuming. Meanwhile, the Americas (Brazil, Canada, and the United States) and Asia-Pacific (Japan) have positive perceptions of technology, but still not at the same level as young people in China and India.

And finally, the UK’s driver licensing body, DVLA, has announced proposals to outsource 20 medical adviser jobs in Swansea.

The doctors whose positions may be outsourced, work to decide whether drivers with certain medical conditions are fit to hold a licence.

Chocolate, military personnel and medical advisors - what a range of things to outsource. Who knows what could come next…

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