Customers feel complaints 'not taken seriously'

16 Feb 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Over two-thirds of customers feel complaints made to call centres are not being taken seriously enough, with more than half of customers finding call centre employees 'robot-like', research has indicated.

A study from speech search specialist Aurix suggested 70 per cent of complaints were not being heard or taken seriously, with further fundings including 96 per cent of respondents saying they would consider switching to a competitor as a result of their complaint not being taken seriously.

Furthermore, nearly three quarters (74 per cent) said they get frustrated by ‘poor communication’ when dealing with an agent, in the survey of 105 customers online.

Peter Rogers, Aurix chief executive said: "Our survey reinforces the message that customers are significantly more likely to “churn” to a competitor based on a poor experience."

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