Vivacom appoints Alcatel-Lucent in outsourcing deal

17 Feb 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Alcatel-Lucent will provide end-to-end network operations management for Bulgarian telecommunications firm Vivacom in new outsource deal.

The contract, which is set to last five years, will also see around 3,000 of Vivacom employees join Alcatel-Lucent under pre-existing terms and conditions of service, it has been widely reported.

"The selection of Alcatel-Lucent will enable Vivacom to lower its operating expenses and ensures that Vivacom customers will receive services of top quality," said, Andy Williams, president of Alcatel-Lucent's services business.

Alcatel chief executive, Ben Verwaayen, also predicts outsourcing and co-sourcing deals will increase even further in the future, as companies seek to pool expertise as they search for new areas of growth in a bid to save costs.

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