The weekly news roundup

5 Mar 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

This week has been deluged with industry research which, for a change, is broadly positive. Firstly Everest Consulting has assured us that the Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) market is expected to grow at almost 20 per cent this year. Then ProBenchmark, the pricing subsidiary of outsourcing consultancy Alsbridge, conducted research showing that costs for most outsourced IT services look set to fall in 2010. ProBenchmark have attributed this price plummet to the economic downturn as well as the increase in uptake of remote infrastructure management. Nice to hear some positive aspects of the economic downturn.

But it was not all good news. Although they claim to have ‘got your number’, the UK public haven’t returned the favour by using 118 118’s number. The directory firm whose famous advertising featured two men in 70s style jogging outfits has announced plans to close its Plymouth call centre. This move is expected to result in the loss of nearly 200 jobs.

Playboy on the other hand released yet more plans to outsource more of its business functions. Known for not shying away from controversy, the men’s magazine brand has thrown itself full throttle into using the sourcing industry to its advantage. I don’t know about you, but if its good enough for Hef…

2010 is looking good as far as I am concerned. I look forward to seeing what next week has in store for the industry.

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