Vodafone set to slash 375 jobs

11 Mar 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Vodafone has revealed plans to make hundreds of employees jobless as it seeks to ‘remove layers’ between the company and its customers.

The majority of the job losses will be back-office roles, however Vodafone has also admitted some would also be lost within its call centres as reported by Call cEntre Focus.

It too has been reported that in addition to these cuts, the firm will also create 170 customer facing roles, 50 of which will be taken from its graduate programme, over the next few weeks and months.

The decision surrounding cuts seems to have caused some confusion among staff and union leaders alike,

“We’d like to see greater clarity from the company on how this decision will affect staff, a willingness to explore redeployment opportunities and greater assurances about a voluntary approach to redundancies,” said Andy Kerr, Communications Workers Union deputy general secretary.

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