Integration testing complete on Mahindra Satyam system for 2010 FIFA World Cup

28 Apr 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Mahindra Satyam has announced that it has successfully completed the key integration testing phase for its online event management system (EMS) for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

This system will be responsible for coordinating and providing information for all of the FIFA officials, volunteers, event support staff and world press, as well as handling logistical issues involving transportation.

It has already undergone rigorous testing at the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup and multiple other FIFA competitions, to fine tune it for optimal performance at this summer’s tournament in South Africa.

In this latest phase, the EMS was tested to ensure that it works well with other systems within the World Cup infrastructure and can handle large volumes of concurrent users. Its security, speed and efficiency at communicating with other communications systems, including other applications within the local data centre, were also analysed. The testing phase took over 10 days to complete.

Commenting on the challenges involved, Dilbah Gill, head of sports at Mahindra Satyam, said: “We have invested around three hundred man-years of effort in developing, testing and refining this web-based event management system for one of sport’s largest international showcase events. It has required us to call upon a vast range of our company’s core skill sets and, on top of that, it’s the first major sporting event of this magnitude to take place in a developing country."

The fact that the integration tests all went ahead smoothly, he added, "is a testament to the quality of the work that has been carried out on this project over the last few years.”

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