Indian prison to launch BPO behind bars

12 May 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

A prison located in India's technology hub of Hyderabad is set to launch BPO services from its premises, according to reports in today's Times of India.

The unit in the southern Indian city's Cherlapally jail is to be staffed by educated convicts. Prison authorities are working in partnership with Indian information technology company, Radiant Info Systems. The company is to invest money and expertise in the unit, with prison authorities providing space and labour.

Chief of prisons CN Gopinatha Reddy told the Times that up to 250 prisoners could be employed from among inmates who had passed school and university exams.

"For starters, the convicts working at the BPO would not have access to phones as is the case in a call centre," he is quoted as saying. "They would be involved in bank-related work of data entry and transfer."

"The idea is to ensure that on being released, the prisoners find it easy to get absorbed in the mainstream. Prisoners often find getting suitable employment post release a tough task. So, this is an attempt to ensure that their employers know them well in advance," said Reddy.

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