Value of outsourcing contracts increase by 3% report finds

11 Jun 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Those companies that outsourced, spent an average of $104m ACV each year, according to outsourcing consultancy TPI’s Momentum 2010 Market Trends & Insights Vertical Industries Report.

It also reports that approximately 40 companies in the Forbes Global 2000 outsource for the first time each year.

The report goes on to illustrate the significant differences in average spending by vertical. The consultancy firm is currently tracking an active outsourcing contract in 34% of G2000 companies, up 2% over 2009.

Cost-cutting imperatives brought on by weak economic conditions are affecting outsourcing activity in all verticals, including several that traditionally have outsourced only sparingly. Outsourcing spending is falling in some of the largest verticals, including diversified financials, consumer durables and banking.

In telecommunications services, ACV averaged more than $300m, while in construction it was less than $25m.

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