CIOs search for value squeezing outsourcing

21 Jun 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

These are some of the findings from From Cost to Value, a report published by KPMG International.

The report, which surveyed 450 CIOs suggests that the new, post credit crisis, CIO agenda is dominated by securing value for money but that it also wants to focus on using IT to help transform the business in terms of innovation and productivity.

Outsourcing as a whole appears to have fallen some way from the top of the CIO agenda suggesting outsourcing is just business as usual to a typical CIO.

Other findings revealed that in the move towards a value-driven agenda, 81% of respondents feel that getting value from their IT must be their top priority.

Cost optimisation trailed in a distant second (58%), but ahead of portfolio management (51%) – although it could be argued that both of these could be seen as sub-sets of the overall theme of extracting value from IT investments.

Similarly, the survey found that while in a hangover from the recession, financial sector CIOs are still heavily focused on operational IT concerns while manufacturing CIOs are looking towards innovation and transformation.

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