L&D: 'two-tier state' emerging

24 Jun 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Despite an encouraging 82% of UK businesses relying on learning and development (L&D) third party experts to deliver their workforce’s training needs, two-thirds (68%) of businesses have opted for ‘low-level outsourcing’, only outsourcing the basic elements of their training delivery model.

Only 21% of businesses have adopted a ‘high-level outsourcing’ approach, outsourcing high-value functions such as learning management systems and training administration.

These figures published by industry player Thales Training & Consultancy, point to the emergence of a possible two-tier divide in businesses’ ambitions when it comes to outsourcing L&D.

The research also indicates that only a fifth of businesses are exploring more innovative ‘high-level outsourcing’ of L&D functions, including; training administration (20%), training strategy (20%) and learning management systems (20%).

Indeed, 73% of businesses consider cost to be the greatest barrier to L&D outsourcing.

The research aimed to explore the different aspects of outsourcing L&D and how it is being used to drive efficiency, talent management and business performance. It was carried out during March 2010; interviews were conducted with 200 L&D professionals in organisations of at least 1,000+ employees.

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