NTT bids for Dimension Data

15 Jul 2010 12:00 AM | Anonymous

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), one of the largest global telecommunications service providers has made an all-cash offer for 100% of IT services and solutions specialist Dimension Data shares.

The ICT industry is about to enter a time of revolutionary change with the advent of cloud computing. As such the dominant ICT enterprises are attempting to integrate business domains beyond their existing framework and are trying to secure a leading position as a main player in ICT.

The agreement would see NTT acquire the entire ‘issued’ and ‘to be issued’ ordinary share capital of Dimension Data for approximately £2.1bn; a move unanimously recommended by both boards of directors.

The integration between NTT and Dimension Data will create a substantially expanded global business for corporate users.

NTT Group has developed its business globally with a central focus on managed network services, data centers, system integration and mobile services. Dimension Data however focuses on the development, operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure, including network devices and servers at the clients’ site.

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