COVID-19 - recovering from a black swan event

31 Mar 2020 1:41 PM | Anonymous

Even in these challenging times, we @ the GSA are creating opportunities for the growth of business value through profitable and mutually beneficial business partnerships

qFor all types of firms (buy and sell side) :

üLeverage all government support packages for businesses and employers – GSA can advise on eligibility and long term impact.

üDon’t loose sight of staff wellbeing and morale during these times.

üWorking @ remotely – this will become a must-have as it becomes BAU, not a COVID BCP response. GSA can provide guidance impacts of policies, well-being, security, DP, talent sourcing

üContingent labour and IR35 – what should I do now that HMRC has deferred this?

üLegal guidance on services fulfilment and contracts – force majeure, frustration, deferring services.

üWhere to refocus digital transformation àsuccessfully shift from growth focus to P&L optimisation.

qBuy side :

üImpact on spend priorities in 2020-21, getting more value from suppliers, managing contract risk.

üSupply chain risk management and sourcing contingency planning.

üImpact on outsourced services and delivery of those by outsourcers (especially BPO).

qSell side:

üRetaining clients and continuing to deliver services – adapting delivery models.

üNew business opportunities and delivery models – nearshoring, automation, reduction in offshoring.

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